From this Saturday we will be offering Lunch Club after Saturday Drawing! We're aware that some Saturday Drawing devotees travel a long way for the classes and we've always felt bad sending you away with only biscuits in your belly. So we've hit on the answer . . .

We will be offering a lunch in The Yurt. It will be a simple (but ample) vegetarian lunch served in superb surroundings by our dear friend Faye at the very reasonable price of £5. She's hosted such events before and they've always been wonderful.

It will be a good chance to talk together more informally and build on the friendships and creative alliances we've all been forging these past years.

If you would like to join us for lunch we only ask that you tell us ahead of time so we have an idea of numbers, you can do this when you book your Saturday Drawing session. We also welcome friends, family and acquaintances for lunch too - just let us know.
So there you have it! Exciting developments, hope you can all make it.
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